Solar can dramatically reduce your carbon footprint by decreasing your home's dependence on natural gas, coal, and fossil fuels. Installing solar is more affordable than ever thanks to tax incentives and state programs that support renewable energy projects. Read about the incentives that can help fund your solar project and call us to get a vision for how solar can be incorporated in your home or business.
Site assessments are designed to provide you with site-specific information about how a solar system could address your specific energy needs. Contact us today to initiate your free site assessment.
Solar Services
We take design seriously. We began as a company building solar arrays and radiant heating systems, designing our architectural elements in-house-- we make sure everything we create looks beautiful and works great.
During installation we coordinate with your general contractor, plumber, and electrician as necessary to ensure our work is done in phase with any construction process.
Through consulting we can offer creative, site-integrated solutions for your renewable energy and heating needs. Whether you are building a new home or planning a remodel, we can use floor plans to design a system that suits your needs.
We provide service and repairs for all the high-quality and durable products we offer. In the rare event that failure does occur in one of our custom systems we will be there for you with prompt and experienced service. Routine maintenance also ensures long-term, reliable functionality.
Solar is More Affordable Than Ever
How does solar work?

1. Photons (tiny bits of energy) hit solar panels and are turned into direct current (DC) electricity.
2. An inverter turns the DC electricity into alternating current (AC) electricity.
3. AC electricity is used in the building, reducing energy bills and carbon emissions.
4. Excess energy can be stored in batteries or flow back into the grid to be used elsewhere.
Grid-Tied Solar
1. Energy is collected from the sun and converted from DC to AC electricity using an inverter.
2. The electricity is then used in the home. Any excess electricity is put back into the grid for community use.
-Being tied to the grid allows for electrical use during night hours and cloudy weather.
-Allows for the possibility of net-metering (described above).
Off-Grid Solar
1. Energy is gathered from the sun and sent to batteries through a charge controller.
2. Electricity stored in batteries is then sent through an inverter and used in the home as needed.
-Ideal for remote and energy-efficient dwellings.
-Batteries allow for round-the-clock electricity while being grid-independent.